If you have received a traffic ticket for speeding or another alleged driving violation in the most northwestern county of Ohio, Williams County, you do not simply have to accept and pay it. With the assistance of an attorney, you may be able to limit the potential damage to your driving record. Many commercial truck drivers–and ordinary drivers as well–receive … Read More
I had a criminal conviction a number of years ago. What can be done to clean up my record?
In the past, you may have committed a crime that has proven to be out of character for you. You may have been “young and dumb” or caught up with the wrong kind of people who led you into criminal activity. You were convicted in a court of law but have since then gone in the right direction. You would … Read More
What are the pros and cons of entering a Land Contract?
A Land Contract is a specialized legal agreement between a buyer and a seller of real estate. A bank is not involved since, in effect, the seller acts as the bank for the buyer. Typically, a down payment of several thousands of dollars is made. Monthly installments are then to be paid for an agreed period, typically a year or more. Then, at a … Read More
How do Ohio courts decide to allocate parental rights in child custody cases?
When parents are involved in a child custody case, they naturally want to know how parental rights are to be determined. What will an Ohio court use to decide where their child will live? What will be the child’s parenting schedule? The answer is that it depends upon “all relevant factors” in the child’s life. In other words, everything related … Read More
We are planning to sell our house. How much money can we save on sales commissions by handling it for sale by owner?
In Ohio, a typical real estate agent’s sales commission is 5 – 6%. This means that for every $100,000 of value in your real estate, you will pay $5,000 – $6,000 in real estate sales commissions. For a $200,000 house, the cost would be $10,000 – $12,000. Higher value homes cost even more to sell. What would you do if … Read More
My Ohio relative just died, and I agreed to pay the funeral and burial costs. Am I entitled to his property to help offset these expenses?
If you had an Ohio relative (or friend) who died without much property, and you have agreed in writing to cover the costs of the funeral and burial, then you may be entitled to his or her limited assets to help offset those costs. Ohio statute provides for a summary release from estate administration under certain specific circumstances. The recently … Read More
My nephew and niece have been living with me for more than a year. Do their parents have to consent to me adopting them?
If you have a minor child, such as a niece, nephew, or grandchild, living with you in Ohio for more than one year, you may petition your county probate court to adopt that child, and the consent of the parents to the adoption may not be required. As an example, you may have a young relative living with you pursuant … Read More
What happens with a probate estate when the debts exceed the assets?
If someone has died, and an estate is to be administered, the executor or executrix, also known as the fiduciary, is responsible for gathering the property or assets of the estate. This task requires the fiduciary to track down and list whatever property the departed owned at the time of death. These assets may include cash, bank accounts, investments, real … Read More
We have just had a death in the family. What should be done with our loved one’s property?
First of all, take some time to deal with the immediate consequences of your loved one’s death. Make appropriate arrangements with the funeral home and also care for yourself. There is usually no need to rush to the lawyer’s office. As soon as you are ready, bring the loved one’s Last Will and Testament and other important documents to the … Read More